Birth Injuries

Delivery Room Error and Birth Injury Attorney for Michigan
Any injury to a child or baby is tragic but when a birth injury could have been prevented, that is completely unacceptable. At the Clark Law Office, a dedicated and compassionate Michigan personal injury lawyer has gone the extra mile to get results for the client. It is understood that when it comes to your baby and a birth injury that could have been prevented everything possible should be done to have the negligent party held responsible. An attorney at the firm has obtained results in personal injury cases involving medical malpractice, wrongful death, catastrophic injuries and other such cases. Make sure you have the legal help you need!

Common Causes of Birth Injuries
Negligent prenatal care and delivery can result in cerebral palsy, Erb’s palsy, hypoxia, acidosis, neck and spinal injury, brain damage, temporary paralysis and others. Such injuries can and are caused by negligent doctors, nurses, midwifes and other medical professionals. Whether during neonatal care or during childbirth, there are certain tests, protocols and procedures that a doctor is expected to be proficient in. Diagnosis errors, implementing an inappropriate method of delivering the infant, failing to treat an easily detectable infection or problem, improper use of anesthesia, forceps or vacuum extraction are all things that could cause or compound an injury during childbirth.

Speak with a Michigan birth injury attorney now!
Such injuries to an infant can result in permanent damage and the need for extensive medical care, treatment and / or physical therapy. Besides the emotional toll this can take on your baby and your family, you should be compensated fully for the medical expenses, pain and suffering that has been caused by another’s negligence.